Wednesday, January 21, 2015


We haven’t done very much extensive discussions yet to go off of, and so far the discussions have been mostly one on one. Not so great for collaborative discussions. Mostly I have tried to engage who ever I’m talking with and to add other contradicting views, but so far, everything we have been discussing generally tends to be topics that we all agree on. Based on what we’ve done, it would be very easy to improve collaborative discussions. To have a real collaboration, which I’m sure we will at some point, it would really be best to involve the entire class. The more people there are, the more chance there will be to have a greater variety of views and opinions. It would also mean having more people to use as sounding boards to bounce ideas off of and to get different definitions of things someone might not understand. I think collaboration is one of those things that can be very easy to do, but also very easy not to do. The book described setting meeting times, providing food, setting tasks or goals, but I don’t think it needs to be so in-depth. All you really need is a topic for discussion is a topic and a few people willing to engage.

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