Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Response to Tim Wise

Time Wise starts out by clearly stating his position that the term in question is not one that should be used by white people to describe black people. He supports this by explaining that historically the terms has had been used in a negative way, as a form of insult. Wise provides the analogy of the term “red-neck” being somewhat offensive and only appropriate coming from certain people who are involved in that society to make the situation more relatable. He goes on to say that if the specific term is to be reclaimed, it his place, or right, as a white man to take part in the reclaiming.
What struck me most about his lecture was the way he was at ease with the idea that you can recognize racial differences, see that even in the nation as a whole, we are divided by cultures, colors, and attitudes, BUT that does not have to been seen as a bad thing. It is important to realize that you are not racist simply for recognizing differences, you are racist when you use those differences to deem another person beneath you. This is a difference that I think many people have forgotten.

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