Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing

How in the World Do You Get  a Skunk Out of a Bottle? By Robert J. Connors

Connors describes his encounter with a skunk trapped in a jar, explaining that the animal's safety was his responsibility because calling the police or Fish and Game would only do more harm than good.

Paraphrased portion:
Connors observed how throwing a rock at the jar would just do more harm than good. If he could manage to find a rock heavy enough to break the glass, Connors would not have been able to throw it accurately. Even if that weren't a factor, broken glass would most likely get in the skunk's eyes, or slash it's face. Also, should the jar break it would only leave the skunk with a jagged glass collar, that would inevitably kill the animal anyway.

After the initial encounter with the skunk, Connors took stock of the animal's situation, stating "By know I realize the skunk was my responsibility. The police would probably kill him in order to save him. Getting someone from Fish and Game would take hours. I am here, now"(157).

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